Media center
At PlanetCare, we are passionately committed to raising awareness about the issue of microplastic pollution and we try to communicate about the problem and the solution through various media channels. Here you can find a collection of important articles and a contact form for all press collaborations.

Financial Times: Turbocharge your spring cleaning
We're thrilled and grateful that Financial Times has highlighted our mission fighting against microfiber pollution. It's a big deal for us!
They've wonderfully captured
how our filter technology aims to tackle the ocean's unseen threat: synthetic fibers from our laundry. This recognition energizes us to push further, knowing our solution not only resonates but is also part of a growing environmental movement.

Podcast: Ocean Impact Organisation
No. She wouldn't rather adopt a dolphin. Dolphins are great, we love them, no question about that, but adopting one as an alternative to fighting microfibre pollution...
To find out more about microfibres, dolphins, and our story, you are invited to listening to the podcast with our CEO Mojca Zupan.
Thank you Ocean Impact Organisation for this wonderful opportunity!

The Guardian
Worried about your laundry releasing microplastics?
"An external filter, retrofitted to your washing machine, is an immediate way of stopping microfibres going down the drain." We couldn't agree more!
Featuring our co-founder, prof. Andrej Krzan.

Microplastiche, macro soluzioni
A radio show about the perils of microplastic pollution and the solutions that are available right now. Yes, PlanetCare as well!

WWF Magazine

Enorm Magazine