This is a

PlanetCare microfiber filter

And we believe that every washing machine should have one.


PlanetCare 2.0

Microfiber filter

Filter 98% of microfibers from laundry.

The problem of microfibers explained

Filtering microfibers at the source is the solution

  • 98% effective

    That's 98% better than washing clothes without a microfiber filter.

  • Recycling of fibers

    We refurbish used cartridges and collect microfibers for upcycling and recycling. Something only we do!

  • 10 minutes to install

    Anyone can install the Planetcare filter to a washing machine. No need for a plumber or special tools.

Small effort. Big impact!

Slide left/right to see the change you'll be making with a microfiber filter.



How does PlanetCare work?

#1 Install your filter

Fits all washing machines. Quick and easy installation, no need for a plumber.

#2 Start filtering

Simply use your washing machine as you normally do. The filter doesn't require any action.

#3 Replace cartridge

After (up to) 30 washes the cartridge will be full of fibers (yay!) and you’ll need to change it.

#4 Get new cartridges

When you install the last clean cartridge, get new ones online. You can even subscribe!

What happens with the used cartridges?

PlanetCare collects all used cartridges from all our users free of charge. We then refurbish each and every returned cartridge.

This way, you can rest assured the fibers are out of nature for good.

Over 10.000 users already filter with PlanetCare

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And get a 10% discount off your first order.