Meet Ocean Heroes

People making a global impact

What do they have in common? They've all decided to change the way they do laundry. Not because it's easier but because it's the right thing to do.

Leave it better Community

Eve (UK)

Eve’s love for the ocean was parked very early in life, when she was living on a boat. Today, she is a masters student in Global Sustainability Solutions in Exeter, UK. Eve is also a member of the ‘Leave It Better Community’. Read Eve’s sustainability journey and get inspired to leave the world a better place.

One Bag Beach Clean Founder

Carol (UK)

Carol is the founder of ‘One Bag Beach Clean’ community and a strong advocate for it never being too late to start living sustainably. Sustainability has consumed Carol's life over the past five years and she loves the fact that as soon as she started her sustainability journey, she became a part of a wonderful global community so she never feels alone.

Co-Founder at Beach Guardian 

Emily Stevenson (UK)

Emily has been picking up plastics from beaches in England for over half her life. She is a marine biologist whose efforts to clean the ocean have been recognized by BBC and awarded by The Diana Award. Once she found out about "the invisible pollution", microplastics, she went on a journey to stop that too. Starting at her own home. 

Doing better, not perfect!

Yvette (France)

While spending two years in Indonesia, this English teacher and scuba diver couldn't help but notice that plastic was everywhere, including in the ocean. She shared with us her journey to a more sustainable life and her mindset of "doing better, not perfect" when it comes to stopping the plastic pollution.