France The First to Introduce Microfibre Filters on Washing Machines

France The First to Introduce Microfibre Filters on Washing Machines

As of January 2025, all new washing machines in France will have to include a filter to stop synthetic clothes from polluting our waterways. This makes France the first country in the world to take legislative steps in the fight against plastic microfiber pollution, according to Plastic Soup Foundation

Our founder Mojca Zupan has been invited to join industry leaders, NGOs, and policy makers to discuss implications of France's new anti-waste law for achieving zero plastic waste in the oceans. The host of this event was Brune Poirson, French Secretary of State for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, the first politician in the world to pass such a groundbreaking law. 

"In 5 years, France will avoid 500 tons of microfibers."

- Mojca Zupan, PlanetCare Founder & CEO

This is a landmark moment and we are very honoured that our expertise and efforts in developing an effective microfibre filter for washing machines are being recognised. None of this would've been possible without PlanetCare users, people from around the globe who actively use our filters and are a living proof that we can stop microfiber pollution if we decide to take action.

France AntiWaste Law 2020

PlanetCare was invited to the round-table discussion in Paris about the introduction of filters in washing machines
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