La France est la première à introduire les filtres en microfibre sur les machines à laver

A partir de janvier 2025, toutes les nouvelles machines à laver en France devront être équipées d'un filtre pour empêcher les vêtements synthétiques de polluer nos cours d'eau. La France devient ainsi le premier pays au monde à adopter des mesures législatives pour lutter contre la pollution par les microfibres plastiques, selon la Plastic Soup Foundation .

Notre fondatrice Mojca Zupan a été invitée à se joindre aux dirigeants de l'industrie, aux ONG et aux décideurs politiques pour discuter des implications de la nouvelle loi anti-gaspillage française pour atteindre le zéro déchet plastique dans les océans. L'hôte de cet événement était Brune Poirson, secrétaire d'État française à la Transition écologique et solidaire, première femme politique au monde à adopter une loi aussi révolutionnaire.

« Dans 5 ans, la France évitera 500 tonnes de microfibres. »

- Mojca Zupan, fondatrice et PDG de PlanetCare

Il s'agit d'un moment historique et nous sommes très honorés que notre expertise et nos efforts dans le développement d'un filtre microfibre efficace pour les machines à laver soient reconnus. Rien de tout cela n'aurait été possible sans les utilisateurs de PlanetCare, des personnes du monde entier qui utilisent activement nos filtres et sont la preuve vivante que nous pouvons arrêter la pollution par les microfibres si nous décidons d'agir.

Loi anti-gaspillage 2020 en France

PlanetCare a été invité à la table ronde à Paris sur l'introduction des filtres dans les machines à laver

Herpes cure Testimony I was diagnose with Genital Herpes for the past 6 years and I have been searching for cure. I have several outbreaks on my back and it really affected me morally, I read a testimony on this platform of a lady from Nevada who was cured from Diabetes with Dr Moi Usman Herbal medicine including the doctor official email address. I contacted the doctor through his email, after much discussion and few questions he prepared the Herbal medicine and asked for my address which I received the Herbal medicine days later and with his prescription I drank the Herbal medicine for 3 weeks. After concluding the herbal medicine I went for test and my IgG result was confirmed Negative with no trace of the virus on my blood. Contact Dr Moi and be cured his email: Whatsapp him Directly Through +254772376126
He has Herbal cure for Diabetes, Hepatitis, Heart diseases.
Hypertension, Strokes and Liver disease,Fibroid,Cancer,Asthma,Leukemia, Epilepsy,Menopause diseases

Mandel | May 25, 2022

Herpes cure Testimony I was diagnose with Genital Herpes for the past 6 years and I have been searching for cure. I have several outbreaks on my back and it really affected me morally, I read a testimony on this platform of a lady from Nevada who was cured from Diabetes with Dr Moi Usman Herbal medicine including the doctor official email address. I contacted the doctor through his email, after much discussion and few questions he prepared the Herbal medicine and asked for my address which I received the Herbal medicine days later and with his prescription I drank the Herbal medicine for 3 weeks. After concluding the herbal medicine I went for test and my IgG result was confirmed Negative with no trace of the virus on my blood. Contact Dr Moi and be cured his email: Whatsapp him Directly Through +254772376126
He has Herbal cure for Diabetes, Hepatitis, Heart diseases.
Hypertension, Strokes and Liver disease,Fibroid,Cancer,Asthma,Leukemia, Epilepsy,Menopause diseases

Mandel | May 25, 2022

Herpes cure Testimony I was diagnose with Genital Herpes for the past 6 years and I have been searching for cure. I have several outbreaks on my back and it really affected me morally, I read a testimony on this platform of a lady from Nevada who was cured from Diabetes with Dr Moi Usman Herbal medicine including the doctor official email address. I contacted the doctor through his email, after much discussion and few questions he prepared the Herbal medicine and asked for my address which I received the Herbal medicine days later and with his prescription I drank the Herbal medicine for 3 weeks. After concluding the herbal medicine I went for test and my IgG result was confirmed Negative with no trace of the virus on my blood. Contact Dr Moi and be cured his email: Whatsapp him Directly Through +254772376126
He has Herbal cure for Diabetes, Hepatitis, Heart diseases.
Hypertension, Strokes and Liver disease,Fibroid,Cancer,Asthma,Leukemia, Epilepsy,Menopause diseases

Mandel | May 25, 2022

Herpes cure Testimony I was diagnose with Genital Herpes for the past 6 years and I have been searching for cure. I have several outbreaks on my back and it really affected me morally, I read a testimony on this platform of a lady from Nevada who was cured from Diabetes with Dr Moi Usman Herbal medicine including the doctor official email address. I contacted the doctor through his email, after much discussion and few questions he prepared the Herbal medicine and asked for my address which I received the Herbal medicine days later and with his prescription I drank the Herbal medicine for 3 weeks. After concluding the herbal medicine I went for test and my IgG result was confirmed Negative with no trace of the virus on my blood. Contact Dr Moi and be cured his email: Whatsapp him Directly Through +254772376126
He has Herbal cure for Diabetes, Hepatitis, Heart diseases.
Hypertension, Strokes and Liver disease,Fibroid,Cancer,Asthma,Leukemia, Epilepsy,Menopause diseases

Mandel | May 25, 2022

Herpes cure Testimony I was diagnose with Genital Herpes for the past 6 years and I have been searching for cure. I have several outbreaks on my back and it really affected me morally, I read a testimony on this platform of a lady from Nevada who was cured from Diabetes with Dr Moi Usman Herbal medicine including the doctor official email address. I contacted the doctor through his email, after much discussion and few questions he prepared the Herbal medicine and asked for my address which I received the Herbal medicine days later and with his prescription I drank the Herbal medicine for 3 weeks. After concluding the herbal medicine I went for test and my IgG result was confirmed Negative with no trace of the virus on my blood. Contact Dr Moi and be cured his email: Whatsapp him Directly Through +254772376126
He has Herbal cure for Diabetes, Hepatitis, Heart diseases.
Hypertension, Strokes and Liver disease,Fibroid,Cancer,Asthma,Leukemia, Epilepsy,Menopause diseases

Mandel | May 25, 2022

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