Frankreich führt als erstes Land Mikrofaserfilter in Waschmaschinen ein

Ab Januar 2025 müssen alle neuen Waschmaschinen in Frankreich mit einem Filter ausgestattet sein, der verhindert, dass synthetische Kleidung unsere Gewässer verschmutzt. Damit ist Frankreich laut der Plastic Soup Foundation das erste Land der Welt, das gesetzliche Schritte im Kampf gegen die Verschmutzung durch Mikrofasern aus Kunststoff unternimmt.

Unsere Gründerin Mojca Zupan wurde eingeladen, gemeinsam mit Branchenführern, NGOs und politischen Entscheidungsträgern die Auswirkungen des neuen französischen Anti-Müll-Gesetzes auf die Erreichung von Null Plastikmüll in den Ozeanen zu diskutieren. Gastgeberin dieser Veranstaltung war Brune Poirson, französische Staatssekretärin für den ökologischen und solidarischen Wandel, die erste Politikerin weltweit, die ein solch bahnbrechendes Gesetz verabschiedet hat.

„In 5 Jahren wird Frankreich 500 Tonnen Mikrofasern vermeiden.“

- Mojca Zupan, Gründerin und CEO von PlanetCare

Dies ist ein Meilenstein und wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt, dass unser Know-how und unsere Bemühungen bei der Entwicklung eines effektiven Mikrofaserfilters für Waschmaschinen anerkannt werden. Nichts davon wäre ohne die PlanetCare-Benutzer möglich gewesen. Menschen auf der ganzen Welt verwenden unsere Filter aktiv und sind der lebende Beweis dafür, dass wir die Mikrofaserverschmutzung stoppen können, wenn wir uns zum Handeln entschließen.

Französisches Abfallgesetz 2020

PlanetCare wurde zur Podiumsdiskussion in Paris über die Einführung von Filtern in Waschmaschinen eingeladen

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Hello guys, I’m Lyne Azabal from France. In my investment with Acstons-Cc, I also lost 17 lakhs. Trading using the Acstons. cc app generated a profit of 197,153 USD after paying tax and a 25% fee, however they would not release my profit and all of my Bitcoins were frozen. I called my pals, who suggested I try LOST RECOVERY MASTERS, and to my astonishment they were able to assist me get back 89% of my money. Despite the fact that I didn’t get all of it back, I’m still really appreciative of LOST RECOVERY MASTERS
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Lyne Azabel | Feb 21, 2024

I Need A Hacker To Recover My Lost Investment? Go To Lost Recovery Masters

Hello guys, I’m Lyne Azabal from France. In my investment with Acstons-Cc, I also lost 17 lakhs. Trading using the Acstons. cc app generated a profit of 197,153 USD after paying tax and a 25% fee, however they would not release my profit and all of my Bitcoins were frozen. I called my pals, who suggested I try LOST RECOVERY MASTERS, and to my astonishment they were able to assist me get back 89% of my money. Despite the fact that I didn’t get all of it back, I’m still really appreciative of LOST RECOVERY MASTERS
For advice on recovering cryptocurrencies, get in touch with Lost Recovery Masters You can also ask them questions about any firm you wish to deal with.
Contact them:  Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Email ( Learn More

Lyne Azabel | Feb 21, 2024

I Need A Hacker To Recover My Lost Investment? Go To Lost Recovery Masters

Hello guys, I’m Lyne Azabal from France. In my investment with Acstons-Cc, I also lost 17 lakhs. Trading using the Acstons. cc app generated a profit of 197,153 USD after paying tax and a 25% fee, however they would not release my profit and all of my Bitcoins were frozen. I called my pals, who suggested I try LOST RECOVERY MASTERS, and to my astonishment they were able to assist me get back 89% of my money. Despite the fact that I didn’t get all of it back, I’m still really appreciative of LOST RECOVERY MASTERS
For advice on recovering cryptocurrencies, get in touch with Lost Recovery Masters You can also ask them questions about any firm you wish to deal with.
Contact them:  Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Email ( Learn More

Lyne Azabel | Feb 21, 2024

I Need A Hacker To Recover My Lost Investment? Go To Lost Recovery Masters

Hello guys, I’m Lyne Azabal from France. In my investment with Acstons-Cc, I also lost 17 lakhs. Trading using the Acstons. cc app generated a profit of 197,153 USD after paying tax and a 25% fee, however they would not release my profit and all of my Bitcoins were frozen. I called my pals, who suggested I try LOST RECOVERY MASTERS, and to my astonishment they were able to assist me get back 89% of my money. Despite the fact that I didn’t get all of it back, I’m still really appreciative of LOST RECOVERY MASTERS
For advice on recovering cryptocurrencies, get in touch with Lost Recovery Masters You can also ask them questions about any firm you wish to deal with.
Contact them:  Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Email ( Learn More

Lyne Azabel | Feb 21, 2024

I Need A Hacker To Recover My Lost Investment? Go To Lost Recovery Masters

Hello guys, I’m Lyne Azabal from France. In my investment with Acstons-Cc, I also lost 17 lakhs. Trading using the Acstons. cc app generated a profit of 197,153 USD after paying tax and a 25% fee, however they would not release my profit and all of my Bitcoins were frozen. I called my pals, who suggested I try LOST RECOVERY MASTERS, and to my astonishment they were able to assist me get back 89% of my money. Despite the fact that I didn’t get all of it back, I’m still really appreciative of LOST RECOVERY MASTERS
For advice on recovering cryptocurrencies, get in touch with Lost Recovery Masters You can also ask them questions about any firm you wish to deal with.
Contact them:  Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921) Email ( Learn More

Lyne Azabel | Feb 21, 2024

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