
PlanetCare 2.0 | Go Easy-Abonnement


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Farbe: Ozean


Steuern inklusive.
Versand an der Kasse berechnet.
All the benefits of PlanetCare 2.0 microfiber filter. No worries about running out of clean cartridges!

Start with a Complete Set

Subscribe today and get the PlanetCare 2.0 microfiber filter, plus a pack of 13 filter cartridges, with your first delivery.

Easy Cartridge Returns

Return your used cartridges when you install the last one, so you’ll never run out.

Long-Lasting Cartridges

Each cartridge lasts for up to 30 washes, giving you a full year of worry-free laundry.
FREE shipping of clean cartridges.
FREE return of used cartridges.


How to Install
How to Replace Cartridges

Installation guide

As easy as...
Installation Step Image Detailed Image
Clean the surface and attach the holder Press the holder and wait 24 hours for maximum adhesive power
Installation Step Image Detailed Image
Attach the cartridge to the filter housing Turn to the right until you hear a click, then screw the bottom part of the filter housing
Installation Step Image Detailed Image
Connect the hoses and attach the filters One hose to the washing machine and one to your drain. And you are done!
It works for every washing machine!

Installation guide

As easy as...
Swiper Image 1 Swiper Image 2
Clean the surface and attach the holder Press the holder and wait 24 hours for maximum adhesive power
Swiper Image 1 Swiper Image 2
Attach the cartridge to the filter housing Turn to the right until you hear a click, then screw the bottom part of the filter housing
Swiper Image 1 Swiper Image 2
Connect the hoses and attach the filters One hose to the washing machine and one to your drain. And you are done!
It works for every washing machine!

What is the difference

between the normal PlanetCare filter pack and PlanetCare GO EASY?


Get the full package with the PlanetCare 2.0 microfiber filter, 13 filter cartridges and everything you need for a quick start of your filtering.

Best value EVER!

✅ First 12 months: €15.9 / $17.25* per month

✅ After 12 months: €10,5 / $11.4* month

*USD ($) value may change according to daily exchange rate


You will always have clean cartridges available, thanks to our AUTOMATIC REFILL SYSTEM.

Here's how it works:

Order a pickup of your used cartridges.

✅ We will automatically send you a new box of 12 clean cartridges.

💚 Replacement cartridges are always free! 💚


Don't worry about shipping, it's all taken care of! With PlanetCare GO EASY, we guarantee:

Free return shipping of used cartridges.

Free shipping of clean replacement cartridges.


After your first payment, we will immediately send you everything you need.

PlanetCare microfiber filter with proven 98% filtering efficiency.

13 filter cartridges that will last up to 390 washes.

Everything you need for the easy 10-minute installation.

Why should you even get a microfiber filter?

Microfibers from washing machines account for 35% of microplastic pollution in the oceans.

When you wash your synthetic clothing, a plastic bag worth of microfibers go out with the wastewater in each load. They end up polluting the rivers and the oceans.[

Stop pollution at the source

A microfiber filter is the best way to prevent microfibers from reaching the environment.

You'll make an impact immediately

Setting up your PlanetCare is a breeze and anyone can do it! Detailed instructions are included.

Maintenance? No problem

Relax and let PlanetCare do the dirty work. Your only job is changing the cartridge when the filter reminds you.

Powered by your washing machine

A 100% mechanical device. It uses the power of the washing machine's water pump to filter microfibers.


Basierend auf 190 Bewertungen
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Paul Mincher

Ganz einfach zusammenzubauen und zu installieren. Mal sehen, wie die Filter funktionieren …

David vK
Sehr schön!

Der Filter ist gut. Lediglich die Befestigung der Halterung mit doppelseitigem Klebeband könnte besser sein. Die Halterung klebt nicht an der Waschmaschine.

Einfach zu installieren

Die Installation des Filters war einfach. Das Ausbalancieren meines übereinander liegenden Waschtrockners war schwierig. Der Filter funktioniert großartig!

planetcare 2.0 verbessert, aber (noch) nicht perfekt

bei uns hat sich auch der Klebestreifen sofort abgelöst. Wir haben ihn an die Wand geschraubt, aber das ist nicht für jeden eine Option, daher denke ich, dass das Befestigungsset verbessert werden muss. Der Streifen aus Version 1.0 war deutlich größer und hat bis zum Upgrade gehalten.
Unsere erste Kartusche hat 20 Waschvorgänge durchgehalten, also deutlich mehr als Version 1.0.! Allerdings hat der Bypass nicht funktioniert, also haben wir die Einstellung geändert und jetzt heißt es warten.
Ich bin von der Bypass-Option begeistert, da die meisten unserer Wäscheladungen aus Naturfasern bestehen und die Kartuschen jetzt viel länger halten, was es viel günstiger macht!

Tolles Produkt!

Ich verwende diesen Filter zu Hause. Wir haben etwa 6 Waschgänge pro Woche (9 kg Ladung) und er funktioniert einfach perfekt!

Einfach zu installieren, einfach zu verwenden und die Kartusche einfach auszutauschen.

Was kann man sich mehr wünschen?

Danke für dieses tolle Produkt, ich würde es bedenkenlos weiterempfehlen.

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